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Expected delivery by 07/03/2025 and free shipping on orders over €100.
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Art.N.: 002174311
Is your skin sometimes so dirty that your face leaves an imprint on the towel? No need to panic, it happens to everyone! The important thing is to choose the right facial cleanser, because a correct cleansing routine is the starting point for healthy, bright and youthful skin. This micellar cleansing mousse, with its sparkling texture, not only gently cleanses the face, but its formula also helps keep the skin soft and moisturised for a long time. In one stroke it frees the skin from impurities, oil and pollution, giving the face a revitalising feeling of freshness and preparing it for the application of your favourite serum or face cream. Because fresh, clean and hydrated skin is happy skin. Believe us, this micellar cleansing mousse is the facial cleanser you've been looking for, try it and it'll become the essential item in your daily skincare routine!
Shipping all over Europe: Standard at € 4.95 and Express at € 9.95.
Free returns: you can send any items ordered back to us free of charge within 30 days of the order being placed.
Tracking: log into your customer account, in the section "My Orders" to track your orders.
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Facial cleansing mousse
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