Order online and try it at home. You have up to 30 days from the delivery of your order online to change your mind and return the products you have purchased. For more information, visit the dedicated page.
See the status of your order by filling up the form. Alternatively, you can access your reserved area, where you will find all the information about your orders.
Expected delivery by 05/03/2025 and free shipping on orders over €100.
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nullFree collection before 05/03/2025AvailableLimited availabilityNot availablenull
Art.N.: 002164343
Con gli illuminanti in polvere Reloaded di Revolution potrai illuminare il tuo viso grazie all'intensità dei suoi pigmenti.
La sua formula setosa scorre facilmente sugli zigomi, sul naso e gli occhi regalandoti una brillantezza totale.
Per ottenere un finish più intenso utilizza un pennello umido o uno spray fissante.
Shipping all over Europe: Standard at € 4.95 and Express at € 9.95.
Free returns: you can send any items ordered back to us free of charge within 30 days of the order being placed.
Tracking: log into your customer account, in the section "My Orders" to track your orders.
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